Saturday, February 25, 2012

Too long since I've done any coding :-)

So, back at the TX vis after an intense week on other things. Rather than start out right off including the code that converts lat and long positions into x and y on the image, I decided to do the conversion in Excel. Got that done quickly enough, then started trying to draw the dots onto the map. THIS went on for a couple of hours, with one error message after another - and all of them new to me. I moved data files back and forth from the example that I was copying. Moved map files back and forth. And FINALLY, as I worked through the two programs, side by side, line by line, I recalled a fundamental fact about computers and programming. You start counting from ZERO. So if you want to retrieve the elements in the second and third columns of a data set, you call them columns 1 and 2. Now the "out of bounds" error messages make more sense. I now have a TX map with about 350 dots drawn all over it. Need to get the lats/longs for the other 800 or so. 

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