Now the question is how to convert longitude and latitude to positions on the image - not a DIFFICULT problem, but one that took some thought. I think I worked it out during a long drive this weekend. Will try to implement tomorrow.I spent a good hour or two earlier this AM getting it implemented. Then I moved forward in my book and about 6 pages later came upon the introduction of the map() function, which "converts numbers from one range to another," exactly my task. The author goes on to say "A lot of visualization problems revolve around mapping data from one range to another, so the map() method is used frequently."
Oh well. As I said - it was a good exercise. I'll go back and modify my code to take advantage of the map() function and make sure that I can make it work.
note - And indeed, it did work. And in the process I discovered that it can also reverse the axis in the scaling process - scaling the range (36 - 25) to (0 - 545).