Sunday, April 8, 2012


While there have been no posts for a number of weeks here, that doesn't translate to no activity - just a lack of diligence on the blogging front. This morning marked another good breakthrough, though, so I thought I'd try to catch up with a list of things that I've been working on.

1) in a big move toward my primary goal, I've drawn circles on a Texas map, locating them so that they are centered upon their district headquarters and sized according to the district's student population.

2) another BIG breakthrough was figuring out how to implement a library and getting the XLSReader library implemented and working. Now I can suck in all of my data from excel spreadsheets rather than formatting at CSV or TSV documents.

3) I also learned how to receive mouse input and created a little demo of this that causes an arc to resize within a circle. ArcGrowth02 is the demo.

4) Also created a bit of a button functionality - changes colors on rollover and then responds to a mouseup within. MouseInRect demonstrates this functionality.

5) But the BIGGEST breakthrough was creating and successfully implementing an object class. The class is pretty simple at the moment - just draws and resizes a circle - but it will be the basis of all of the circles that are drawn as part of the project. I'll probably also create a button class, since everybody seems to need one of those.

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